Cuan Saor Womens Refuge supporting and changing lives

Children & Domestic Abuse
Children who attend Cuan Saor with their mothers are provided with a range of supports to help them process their experiences around domestic violence.

The role of the Childcare Worker is to provide a child with a safe and caring environment where the child can explore and understand their feelings and experiences and the impact of domestic violence in their lives. The childcare worker also supports women in their parenting, helping women understand how domestic violence can affect them as a parent and also to understand the effects domestic violence can have on children.
Every child’s experience of domestic abuse is unique to them and what affects one child may not affect another
How is the abuse affecting my children?
You have probably tried to shield them from
What can I do?
- Listen carefully and let your child tell you what happened in his/her own time.
- Acknowledge it’s hard/scary for them.
- Let them know it’s not their fault, it’s up to the adults to work it out
- Let them know that their not to feel guilty or responsible for causing or stopping it somehow, i.e. “ There is nothing you could have done to prevent or change it”
- That’s it’s ok to feel sad/angry about this
- Let them know you love them.
We walk the walk with you helping and supporting
Get in contact today for more information
Cuan Saor Womens Refuge supporting and changing lives

Cuan Saor provides the following services:
- Refuge accommodation (short-term crisis accommodation)
- 24 Hour/365 day Freephone helpline
- Support and information (drop-in or by appointment)
- Counselling
- Outreach to designated clinics in South Tipperary area
- Court Accompaniment Service
- Aftercare
- Training and Awareness-raising
- Child and Family Support

All services are free and confidential.
Simply dial the Freephone helpline 1800 576757 to access the service and a trained member of staff will listen and provide support and information and explain other aspects of services we provide. This service is available 24/7 365 days a year.
24 hour helpline 1800 57 67 57 Email
Cuan Saor's Vision:
Cuan Saor has a vision of society which respects the human rights of
women and children to live violence free.

Cuan Saor's Mission:
Cuan Saor’s Mission is to support all women and children
who have experienced domestic violence
Cuan Saor Womens Refuge supporting and changing lives

Supporting and
changing lives.
Get in Contact today with Cuan Saor, we have counsellors on hand to talk you through your experience