Cuan Saor has four units of emergency accommodation.  During 2017 these were at full capacity at all times.  We help those who are suffering from domestic abuse whether in the form of violence, emotional or financial.  We get referrals from different services including Social Work Department (Tusla), other domestic violence abuse services, schools, local churches, solicitors, hospitals, substance misuse services, family and friends and self referrals (people who need help who ring us or contact us direct).  

The work we do here is so important.  We help and protect those most vulnerable in society, women and children and help them on the road to a new life.  You might be surprised to learn that domestic abuse happens in all areas of society, not just the poor or disadvantaged.  What our families have in common is that they have all experienced some form of domestic abuse.  This can be as a result of substance abuse (drink or drugs for example) or historical domestic and sexual abuse etc. 

They stay with us from a range of 1 day to six months.  Once women have gained support on their issues and are ready to move on.   The availability of suitable accommodation is an issue we are battling with all the time which can result in longer stays in emergency accommodation.  

What a child hears or sees in the home is remembered by them forever.  It is not just the survivor of the actual abuse that is affected, so the sooner we can help someone, the better the outcome.  We do help change people’s lives and help children deal with what’s happened to them, or what they have witnessed.  For the rest of their lives they carry what has happened and it seeps into their future relationships and work life.  But we can’t do this without help from you, the public.  We need to continuously fund raise so that we can help as many people as possible.  Please help us (without however much you can afford) by clicking on our ‘Donate’ image over on the right hand side of the page.  You can donate as little as €2 and we promise that at least €1.80 of that reaches us and is funnelled into our help fund.   

When in Cuan Saor Refuge women and children are linked to services they need such as; Dept of Social Protection, Tusla (Child and Family Agency), G.P., Mental Health Services, Gardai, Legal Aid, Substance Use Services (HSE), Focus Ireland, Aheiri etc. Women who stay in the refuge are also referred to services within Cuan Saor, Child Support Services, Court Support, Outreach, Support and Information and Counselling. 

Cuan Saor’s helpline is a free phone 24 hour service.  Our helpline is a lifeline to so many women who may not otherwise be able to get support.  Some women live in remote areas, which leaves them incredibly vulnerable, isolated and deprived of any supports or interventions.  The helpline allows our team to support and empower women to take some steps to ensuring their safety and that of their children.  If you’d like to volunteer, or help us, please contact us via our contact page.  If you know someone being abused, please click here to find out what to do. If you are in the travelling community, click here.  

Cuan Saor Womens Refuge supporting and changing lives

Cuan Saor provides the following services:

  • Refuge accommodation (short-term crisis accommodation)
  • 24 Hour/365 day Freephone helpline
  • Support and information (drop-in or by appointment)
  • Counselling
  • Outreach to designated clinics in South Tipperary area
  • Court Accompaniment Service
  • Aftercare
  • Training and Awareness-raising
  • Child and Family Support

All services are free and confidential.

Simply dial the Freephone helpline 1800 576757 to access the service and a trained member of staff will listen and provide support and information and explain other aspects of services we provide. This service is available 24/7 365 days a year.

24 hour helpline 1800 57 67 57         Email support@cuansaor.org

Cuan Saor's Vision:
Cuan Saor has a vision of society which respects the human rights of
women and children to live violence free.

Cuan Saor's Mission:
Cuan Saor’s Mission is to support all women and children
who have experienced domestic violence

Cuan Saor Womens Refuge supporting and changing lives

Supporting and
changing lives.

Get in Contact today with Cuan Saor, we have counsellors on hand to talk you through your experience

13 + 5 =

Don't ever feel Alone

24 Hour Helpline 1800 57 67 57