Cuan Saor Womens Refuge supporting and changing lives

 I know Someone Being Abused


If you think someone you know is in an abusive relationship there are things you can do to help. The important thing to remember is to do it sensitively and of course in a way that keeps both of you safe.

You cannot make decisions for the person you are trying to help. What’s important is that they know they have your support whatever they choose to do.

  • Listen to her and try to understand; take care not to blame her. Tell her she is not alone and there are many women in the same situation. Give her time to talk if she wants to.
  • Tell her nobody deserves to be threatened or beaten no matter what her abuser has told her.
  • Let her make her own decisions. Don’t tell her to leave if she is not ready to leave.
  • If she is physically hurt offer to go with her to the hospital or GP. Help her to report the assault to the Gardai if she wants to.
  • Tell her about our services here at Cuan Saor. We can help her in lots of ways including if she decides to stay with her partner.
  • If she has children and is worried about them tell her she can discuss this with Cuan Saor or the public health nurse.
  • Use the Safety Plan to help her to stay safe. Do not push her to do anything she is not sure about.
  • Offer to keep an emergency bag for her.
  • Look after yourself while you are supporting someone through such a difficult time. Make sure you do not put yourself into a dangerous situation.
  • Find out information on the issue of domestic abuse and the available supports and encourage her to contact a  Domestic Abuse Service so that she can make informed choices.
  • If you would like advice on how best to safely support the person you are concerned about you can contact Cuan Saor on freephone 1800 57 67 57 or any of the other services around the country. For the contact details of domestic abuse services around the country click here


To download a guide to helping a friend or relative

who is experiencing domestic abuse CLICK HERE

We walk the walk with you helping and supporting

Get in contact today for more information


Cuan Saor Womens Refuge supporting and changing lives

Cuan Saor provides the following services:

  • Refuge accommodation (short-term crisis accommodation)
  • 24 Hour/365 day Freephone helpline
  • Support and information (drop-in or by appointment)
  • Counselling
  • Outreach to designated clinics in South Tipperary area
  • Court Accompaniment Service
  • Aftercare
  • Training and Awareness-raising
  • Child and Family Support

All services are free and confidential.

Simply dial the Freephone helpline 1800 576757 to access the service and a trained member of staff will listen and provide support and information and explain other aspects of services we provide. This service is available 24/7 365 days a year.

24 hour helpline 1800 57 67 57         Email

Cuan Saor's Vision:
Cuan Saor has a vision of society which respects the human rights of
women and children to live violence free.

Cuan Saor's Mission:
Cuan Saor’s Mission is to support all women and children
who have experienced domestic violence

Cuan Saor Womens Refuge supporting and changing lives

Supporting and
changing lives.

Get in Contact today with Cuan Saor, we have counsellors on hand to talk you through your experience

13 + 7 =

Don't ever feel Alone

24 Hour Helpline 1800 57 67 57